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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Executing a Plan With Success (Myth and Reality)

So often “it” is not an “emergency.” A faux emergency is easily created because someone makes a commitment (logical or wishful) that requires everyone to rush and scurry. “We must hit the deadline, whatever it takes!!” becomes a mantra and a pseudo emergency. (A faux emergency?)

Topics: Marketing Plan Emergency Planning Personal Development

Have an Epiphany

We are looking for an “epiphany,” to know the answer. (Not fluff... the truth). It is not something we can buy, or be taught. There are too many days I wish for an "Epiphany Store," especially one with a drive-through window. 

Topics: Inspiration Personal Development

Building High Performance Teams is a Journey Not a Destination

Take the Plunge! 

If you have ever shied away from cold water, jumping into a freezing lake might not be top-of-mind when building new leadership muscles. If it weren’t for Dee Hein and her recent new interest in cold water swimming for many health benefits, Matt Fioretti, an accomplished outdoor leader, would have never tried it. Something pushed her to try it, and ultimately it inspired him to try it.

Topics: Leadership Personal Development

ikigai - your life's true purpose

That star in the center is what the Japanese call one's "ikigai," your life's true purpose.

The origin of the word ikigai goes back to the Heian period (794 to 1185). “Gai comes from the word kai (“shell” in Japanese) which were deemed highly valuable, and from there ikigai derived as a word that means value in living.”

Topics: Success Inspiration Personal Development

Start a Business Online Howto 1 – Aim, Fire, Ready – Use Your Brain

Where Are You?

You are; 

...working very hard to make money with an online business and swinging the proverbial bat but missing the ball continuously.  You try wearing your hat on backwards, a different bat, different shoes, read another book, and the list goes on.  You are trying to follow the mantra:  "if at first you don't succeed, try... try again".

You are;

...looking for a job and not interested in an online business but are peeking here to consider options for income.

You are;

...sick, sick, sick... and tired of reading emails, blogs, online eBooks, articles and find that none of them have the answer... and yet each of them seem to know a piece of the puzzle.  You have heard an Internet marketer once say: "email them until they buy or they die" and the actions of many seem to confirm this.

You are:

...just starting.  Fresh, new... positive attitude with an open mind to the possibilities.

There are many more questions to consider in determining who you are and they are very important.

Topics: Free Software Planning Business Success Tips Personal Development

Empowering People to More #Tell&Show

People are not 'getting it'. You talk, teach, sell and hope someone will take action... but they continue on with the same habits.

Students, employees, peers, prospects, customers, the boss, patients, your children (and even your parents). They are stuck in old unhelpful paradigms because they don't know enough, or they are unwilling.

IMPORTANT: There are people who think they know everything! If this is the case, watch the video at the end of this article: "How to Train People Who Know Everything" by Arthur Carmazzi

To make a a difference, to move people to a better reality, we rely on the common term: "Show & Tell."

But I am thinking it shouldn’t be referred to as "Show & Tell"’.
It should be called "Tell & Show".

"Tell" someone the goal, the how, the plan.
Then model the behavior – "Show" them with real activities. (aka demonstrate)

Topics: Selling Video Marketing Training Personal Development Learning Empowering

Say Goodbye to Time Famine with These Schedule Hacks

Do you ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day and you don't have enough time to finish everything? If you do, you're not alone. It even has a name that started showing up in scientific studies around the turn of the century: time famine.

What is time famine, and what can you do to hack your schedule and find more time in your day?

Topics: Time Management Productivity Personal Development

Hack Your Chronotype (Get more done!)

Dr. Oz has talked about it and Wikipedia offers information about Chronotype and  Circadian Rhythms. You can find a quiz here to learn about your specific Chronotype. While you have heard people say they are a "night owl", there are actually four different Chronotypes:

Dolphin, Lion, Wolf and Bear.

Which are you?

By understanding your chronotype (or the chronotype of your staff), you can adapt and improve your energy levels, improve relationships and 'get more done'.

According to clinical psychologist and sleep specialist Michael Breus, your genetics can tell you when it’s the perfect time to do just about anything.

Try using some of the tips and techniques listed below to power through your energy lows and come back out on top. (though I am unsure about a giggle break and watching kitten videos.)

Topics: Leadership Health Personal Development Personality

Business Writing: Tips to Improve This Essential Leadership Skill

To gain more understanding and cooperation from others, using clear writing is one of the most important skills that you can develop in business. Effective communication and writing are key factors in career success. Writing is already a part of your daily activities and you may be unknowingly doing more harm than good.

Topics: Business Blogging Personal Development Content Writing

5 Ways Successful Entrepreneurs Stay Motivated

The bravest souls quit their jobs to pursue a dream of turning their passion into profit. Considering the time it takes to achieve success, passion can easily fizzle. There is a point of no return when it is too late to stop because so much has been invested.

We are not going to give up on a dream just because we are feeling tired; we have to find a way to bring back the energy and commitment we originally had for this endeavor.

Topics: Productivity Entrepreneurship Personal Development Motivation

3 Tips on How to be a Self-Starter

Now that we are well into the second month of the New Year, many of us are already thinking, “what have I accomplished this year?” If your answer is somewhere between “nothing” or “not much,” this quick get-up-and-get-working guide is for you.

When creating a plan to achieve long-term goals, people often become overwhelmed or intimidated by what appears to be a mountain of obstacles. To make the necessary changes, start small and keep it simple.

Topics: Success Personal Development Motivation Habit

The Truth is Out There

If you believe in something enough, you will risk your very reputation to hit the mark, accomplish a goal and achieve success.  You may believe your idea is worth a million dollars or possibly believe that "everyone" is out to get you.  Your may believe that you can sell 10 million widgets... though you have not yet sold even one.

The truth is out there and you want to believe... 

But first, human beings typically learn what to do next by following the crowd.

Topics: Paradigm Business Success Deep Thoughts Personal Development