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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Should I Turn One Long-Form Article Into Multiple Pieces of Content?

Your article of 1,000 words to 3,000 words is profound, valuable and better than any Wikipedia page. You have many years of experience and believe "the answer" is within your content and you would like nothing better than to share it with the world.

Should you publish the entire article whole as-is?  Or divide it into multiple articles?

Topics: How to Blog Content Writing

How to Check for Plagiarism: 10 Copyscape Alternatives

A scraper site is a website that copies content from other websites using web scraping. The content is then mirrored with the goal of creating revenue, usually through advertising and sometimes by selling user data.

You may be a plagiarist and not know it. What appears to be a 'trick' or work-around is in fact still a form of plagiarism. Check out the different types of plagiarism here.

Are you 100% confident the content you’re posting on your website is original?

When it comes to checking for plagiarism, Copyscape has long been a leader and a popular option for students, teachers, writers, bloggers, and other content creators.

But is it still the best when it comes to detecting and preventing plagiarism?

Topics: Plagiarism Content

Business Writing: Tips to Improve This Essential Leadership Skill

To gain more understanding and cooperation from others, using clear writing is one of the most important skills that you can develop in business. Effective communication and writing are key factors in career success. Writing is already a part of your daily activities and you may be unknowingly doing more harm than good.

Topics: Business Blogging Personal Development Content Writing