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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Michael Hartzell

Recent Posts by Michael Hartzell:

AI Headshot Generators - Reality in a Nutshell

So much A.I.! (Automated software is now frequently referred to as A.I.) Consider that A.I. = Artificial Intelligence. There is a plethora of AI image generators which include headshots.

Before choosing new technology, consider the "old way" vs the new opportunity...

Topics: Personal Branding Photo Editing AI

What Does Social Media Success LOOK LIKE?

This is a topic that is debated daily.

WHAT SOCIAL MEDIA INCLUDES: For many, the term "social media" includes blogs, microblogs, photo & video sharing, podcasts, ratings & reviews, social games, social networks, virtual worlds, wikis, etc.

Be cautious when reading 'social media'; definitions vary.

BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND: Each company/team must define its success. Since social media is a mechanism/tool a bit like a Swiss army knife, it can be many things, used in many ways.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Metrics

What is the Difference Between Marketing and Advertising?

Marketing and advertising are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have different meanings. Marketing and advertising are related but distinct concepts within the broader field of promoting products or services.

Topics: Marketing Advertising

How to Hire a Consultant

Hiring a consultant can be a great way to get expert advice and guidance on a specific project or issue. Here are some general steps to follow when hiring a consultant:

Topics: Hiring Consultant Support

Executing a Plan With Success (Myth and Reality)

So often “it” is not an “emergency.” A faux emergency is easily created because someone makes a commitment (logical or wishful) that requires everyone to rush and scurry. “We must hit the deadline, whatever it takes!!” becomes a mantra and a pseudo emergency. (A faux emergency?)

Topics: Marketing Plan Emergency Planning Personal Development

Have an Epiphany

We are looking for an “epiphany,” to know the answer. (Not fluff... the truth). It is not something we can buy, or be taught. There are too many days I wish for an "Epiphany Store," especially one with a drive-through window. 

Topics: Inspiration Personal Development

Should I Turn One Long-Form Article Into Multiple Pieces of Content?

Your article of 1,000 words to 3,000 words is profound, valuable and better than any Wikipedia page. You have many years of experience and believe "the answer" is within your content and you would like nothing better than to share it with the world.

Should you publish the entire article whole as-is?  Or divide it into multiple articles?

Topics: How to Blog Content Writing

Rodwell Gobbercard is Almost a Success - With Business Cards & Social Media

This is a "true story" based on the stories from many. Maybe you know someone who has experienced something similar.

Someone (Let's call him Rodwell Gobbercard) is VERY excited because he now has business cards, and a special name tag to wear for networking meetings.

"Things are going to happen now!" Rodwell Gobbercard exclaims.

Topics: Networking Guerrilla Marketing Social Media Marketing

How Much Time Does it Take an "Experienced" Blogger to Write a Blog?

It makes sense to create content to help those you serve understand more, to make better decisions. How long should it take to write a blog? (by an someone experienced?)  Is it true that it should take 3.21 hours average to write a blog post?

Topics: Business Blogging Content Marketing Writing

Multi-hat CEOs

The fewer people you have working for you, the more “hats” you wear.

If there is not enough revenue to support a financial advisor or accountant, one hour the entrepreneur/CEO keeps track of finances and may clean the toilet in the next hour.

This might be irritating? Who went into business to get involved with the “little things?” Wasn’t the objective to make decisions and come up with broad strategies and create success?

The reality is that the best entrepreneurs thrive in a multidisciplinary, multi-hatted role ...but the one-man-band business model limits the potential for success.

Topics: Entrepreneurship Entrepreneur

Start a Business Online Howto 1 – Aim, Fire, Ready – Use Your Brain

Where Are You?

You are; 

...working very hard to make money with an online business and swinging the proverbial bat but missing the ball continuously.  You try wearing your hat on backwards, a different bat, different shoes, read another book, and the list goes on.  You are trying to follow the mantra:  "if at first you don't succeed, try... try again".

You are;

...looking for a job and not interested in an online business but are peeking here to consider options for income.

You are;

...sick, sick, sick... and tired of reading emails, blogs, online eBooks, articles and find that none of them have the answer... and yet each of them seem to know a piece of the puzzle.  You have heard an Internet marketer once say: "email them until they buy or they die" and the actions of many seem to confirm this.

You are:

...just starting.  Fresh, new... positive attitude with an open mind to the possibilities.

There are many more questions to consider in determining who you are and they are very important.

Topics: Free Software Planning Business Success Tips Personal Development

Google Search Results in Less Clicks - What's Next?

Data and insights about Google and search results that should be very important for you to review. It is an easy read, not technical as Rand Fishkin tells it like he sees it --- and shows that less than half of Google searches now result in a click.

Topics: SEO Google Marketing Trends