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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Empowering People to More #Tell&Show

People are not 'getting it'. You talk, teach, sell and hope someone will take action... but they continue on with the same habits.

Students, employees, peers, prospects, customers, the boss, patients, your children (and even your parents). They are stuck in old unhelpful paradigms because they don't know enough, or they are unwilling.

IMPORTANT: There are people who think they know everything! If this is the case, watch the video at the end of this article: "How to Train People Who Know Everything" by Arthur Carmazzi

To make a a difference, to move people to a better reality, we rely on the common term: "Show & Tell."

But I am thinking it shouldn’t be referred to as "Show & Tell"’.
It should be called "Tell & Show".

"Tell" someone the goal, the how, the plan.
Then model the behavior – "Show" them with real activities. (aka demonstrate)

Topics: Selling Video Marketing Training Personal Development Learning Empowering

How to Negotiate a Better Deal

Learning how negotiate with video, business success tips and the only guide to negotiating you will ever need.  Conflict resolution and negotiating a better deal can be handled with shear force of will, being honest and hoping for the best.  True?

Not true.  Negotiation from a position of strength instead of as a victim increases the chance of closing a deal, getting a better rate, a lower price or bonus items.  You might even get your car washed or lawn mowed.  There are quick negotations which happen each day as the entrepreneur needs something NOW but gets resistance from the vendor.

Negotiating for a small business loan with a bank can seem daunting.  Hiring a small business loan broker who can help with the process is usually the best decision or you learn how to negotiate and take it on yourself.

Topics: Selling Business Success Tips Personal Development Conflict Resolution Negotiation

Advice for Someone With Expertise, but Afraid to Market and Sell

This topic relates to almost anyone, not just entrepreneurs. If you have a job and a quota, this can still work. Entrepreneurs have a harder time because there is no one standing over their head holding them accountable. Entrepreneurs create their own obstacles since feelings, emotions and comfort levels can have a more dramatic impact until a personal commitment and discipline takes over. 

If you or someone you know has experience, wisdom and high expertise but is afraid to market or sell their products or services, here is a bit of advice:

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Marketing Selling Recommended Books Personal Development

Marketing and Selling to Doctors

You will refer your own doctor but as a general rule won't walk into just any doctor's office to get treatment.  

Topics: Celebration Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Selling

The Power of Perspective Taking is Life Changing

Ir's pretty simple... consider the opinions, ideas and thoughts of others to be more valuable than your own and you will find it necessary to listen more carefully and consider their world view.  

Topics: Selling Relationships Leadership Communication

Outbound Lead Development - Old School or New School

I’m from the old school, the place where you sent a letter of introduction, made a follow-up phone call, scheduled a meeting, and made a sales presentation that hopefully enabled you to close a sale. The new school doesn’t work that way. The new school is about social media, the use of technology, and in-the-know buyers. 

Topics: Sales Marketing Plan Selling Outbound Marketing


Business success barrier:  Selling.  To overcome the selling barrier, we have invited Dike Drummond MD to be a guest today.  Dr. Drummond focuses on key issues with a combination of education and inspiration which should help you find that "ah-ha" moment for how to sell better.

Topics: Business Success Selling