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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

How Much Time Does it Take an "Experienced" Blogger to Write a Blog?

It makes sense to create content to help those you serve understand more, to make better decisions. How long should it take to write a blog? (by an someone experienced?)  Is it true that it should take 3.21 hours average to write a blog post?

Topics: Business Blogging Content Marketing Writing

5 Ways to Use Humor in Your Content Marketing Strategies

When you decide that it is time to switch up your content marketing campaign, adding some humor can be a smart strategic move. If you think about it, most of the memorable content has a humorous element. The reason for this is that humor has a positive effect on memory.

Creating and distributing content that will make people laugh is a perfect attention-grabbing strategy that can differentiate you from other brands in the industry. If you are curious about why and how to incorporate humor in your content marketing, just keep reading. You’ll learn about the most popular forms of digital humor and how to choose the right one for your business.

Topics: Funny Content Marketing Humor

Radio Shows & Podcasting - Taking Advantage of Your Talent for Speaking

You woke up this morning with one thought in mind: Transformation!  Why not take advantage of your special skills and talents and use radio or podcasting to pursue your vision and spread the word about your ideas?

– just like a butterfly!  (aka metamorphosis) 

Unfortunately, you know your lizard brain is still working to keep you away from anything that looks even the slightest bit dangerous.   ...even butterflies have lizard brains.

In the process of your metamorphosis, you want to focus on one of your special strengths of thinking+speaking.

That makes sense since you have spoken, talked, chatted, sold, taught, lectured, motivated, inspired and presented to many.

The options for recording a presentation or delivering it via a live radio show are below:

Topics: Presentation Tools Podcast Audio Content Marketing

The Trick to Creating Content

The trick to content:

  1. Don’t think.
  2. Listen to the questions.
  3. Answer them.

Those who think before they listen can get lost in the possibilities.
The deeper they think, the bigger the possibilities.

Topics: Inbound Marketing Content Marketing

Content Farms

"My website is not a content farm!" "What do you mean I am farming content?"  "My website is a review site, not a content farm!"  The exclamations and indignations are rampant.  Sensitivity and embarrassment are mixed with anger and regret.  Have you heard someone say:  "Sure, I borrowed a bit, took short cuts, and why not?  It is America!  We are free to pursue happiness and capitalism."

When the search engine companies have reputations to keep and the results are nothing more than fluff or misdirection which leaves those searching feeling frustrated, their "customers" are not happy.

Topics: SEO Inbound Marketing Content Marketing Google

Manifesto of Content Strategy by Rand Fishkin [video]

Marketing considerations for content strategy vs. content tactics can and will be explained in this video.  Breaking Internet marketing down from from complicated to simple, Rand Fishkin gave this talk at the SEOmoz Meetup at the Search Church. 

He talks the keystone of SEO: content and how many marketers believe they are making sales directly. Instead content marketing is meant to build familiarity, build likability, and build trust. The only way to do great content is to do it over and over again.

Topics: Inbound Marketing Content Marketing

Do You Like to Talk vs Write? Hire Someone to Transcribe the Audio

You like to talk and while you have writer's block, you never seem to have talking block.  You think like lightning and words are always available.  The alternatives to talking are slow in comparison and include writing, typing, sign language, and morse code.  You look at a keyboard and say "no thanks" (But the smart phone looks very appealing.)

Since the average human hand-writes at 31 words per minute for memorized text and 22 words per minute while copying, writing is out of the question.  Much too slow. 

An average professional typist types usually in speeds of 50 to 80 wpm, while some positions can require 80 to 95 and some advanced typists work at speeds above 120 wpm. 

Topics: Business Software Inbound Marketing Content Marketing Outsourcing

Outsourcing - 6 Places to Hire Someone to Write Content and Dazzle Readers

Either you have no time, low skill, or prefer to avoid writing.  You realize that without an article, blog, ebook, white paper, special report or declaration... there will be no progress.  Writing is involved in any form of marketing.  Who can you hire?  Who will help you? 

Topics: Hiring Guest Blogging Inbound Marketing Content Marketing Outsourcing

Bad Content vs Good Content

In order to understand bad content vs good content, we need to consider the context.  An inbound marketing pro will tell you that relevance may be the most important piece but even relevance on its own is not enough.  The context of course is related to audience, education, experience, culture, difficulty to create and as Seth Godin will say "how remarkable is it?".  Thus, just as beauty, quality is based on the eyes of the beholder.

"Excellent job!" today does may not look so impressive six months down the road. 

Topics: Business Blogging Write a Book Inbound Marketing Content Marketing Outsourcing

Key Ingredients to a Winning Mobile Content-Marketing Strategy

Of the many ways customers may find themselves on your website, the likely driver of traffic is via mobile phones.  The latest statistics from Pew Research tell us that 56 percent of Americans own a Smartphone and many use these devices to browse the Internet.   Does your content-marketing strategy take these changing trends into account?  As a business owner, you may run your business from a Smartphone, so you know the importance of a website that’s tailored to your mobile phone for ease of use. As you develop a winning mobile content-marketing strategy, keep in mind these key ingredients for success.

Topics: Content Marketing Mobile Marketing Marketing Strategy

Easy Ideas to Write Exactly What People Want to Read


The question about "what should I say?" remains a puzzle for many. Creating an important message makes even the most experienced professionals think in circles. 

Topics: Business Blogging Marketing Inbound Marketing Content Marketing Creativity Writing

Information is Now Worthless: Think Transformation

"Every two days now we create as much information as we did from the dawn of civilization up until 2003, according to Google CEO Eric Schmidt. That’s something like five exabytes of data, he says."  “The real issue is user-generated content,” Schmidt said. He noted that pictures, instant messages, and tweets all add to this.

Topics: Analytics Internet Marketing Inbound Marketing Content Marketing