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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

How to Hire a Consultant

Hiring a consultant can be a great way to get expert advice and guidance on a specific project or issue. Here are some general steps to follow when hiring a consultant:

Topics: Hiring Consultant Support

The Difference Between Vendors and Consultants [video]

This video walks through the basic thought process of a vendor vs. a consultant.  As you watch the video it will be important to remember that who you see yourself to be in the mirror matters little. The most important aspect is what the customer needs.  If you are hoping to market yourself as a consultant and not just a "vendor", your challenge is to build credibility, authority and be ready to share success stories.

Topics: Consultant Support Definition

Mentorship Programs that will Benefit Your Small Business

Mentorship programs are not advertised on TV, the Internet or radio.  Your small business or your soon to be open business has obstacles and you may resort to rubbing a lamp hoping for a Genie to pop out and provide the perfect business advice.  Without funds, how can you expect to create a win-win with any business consultant? 

You have a strong motivation to start a business or the business you own is not yet successful.  You have a vision and your abilities/skills/talents stand out in the marketplace or your product is already in demand.  You are strapped for cash because of the crazy economic times and possibly your house has burnt down. 

Topics: Start a Business Consultant Support Government Training Personal Development