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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Should I Turn One Long-Form Article Into Multiple Pieces of Content?

Your article of 1,000 words to 3,000 words is profound, valuable and better than any Wikipedia page. You have many years of experience and believe "the answer" is within your content and you would like nothing better than to share it with the world.

Should you publish the entire article whole as-is?  Or divide it into multiple articles?

Topics: How to Blog Content Writing

How to Blog: The Relevance of Parables, Metaphors and Acronyms

Learning how to blog and get found in search engines is not too difficult.  If there is not a limitation of creativity, titles can be confusing or misleading. (Apple might, in reality, be an apple.)

Titles for blog articles, newspaper headlines and magazines are created to capture attention and entice someone to read more. 

Topics: Business Blogging How to Blog