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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Radio Shows & Podcasting - Taking Advantage of Your Talent for Speaking

You woke up this morning with one thought in mind: Transformation!  Why not take advantage of your special skills and talents and use radio or podcasting to pursue your vision and spread the word about your ideas?

– just like a butterfly!  (aka metamorphosis) 

Unfortunately, you know your lizard brain is still working to keep you away from anything that looks even the slightest bit dangerous.   ...even butterflies have lizard brains.

In the process of your metamorphosis, you want to focus on one of your special strengths of thinking+speaking.

That makes sense since you have spoken, talked, chatted, sold, taught, lectured, motivated, inspired and presented to many.

The options for recording a presentation or delivering it via a live radio show are below:

Topics: Presentation Tools Podcast Audio Content Marketing

Take Action on Your Innovative Ideas with Infographic Software Tools

The next big idea will happen at the most inopportune moment and the idea you share will no doubt get immediate resistance. This leads to arguments and potentially the need for pursuasion and selling. (which is time you could be using to take action on your idea).

The most creative ideas can quickly die a quiet death when  "I have a million dollar idea!" turns into squiggles, chicken scratches and unintelligible dribble that only the author can understand.

PowerPoint and other powerful tools can become an arsenal to confuse instead of creating clarity.

With a primary goal of "speed to market and personalization", learning sophisticated software does not always empower an innovator to start NOW.  

If you have a plan to make an  impact, conquer the world or change the community, you will recruit others to join you in your mission:  investors, staff, peers, advocates, potential customers, cheer squads, advisory board members, and more.  They will appreciate your enthusiasm but will need more than a lame squiggle to get it done.

With PowerPoint experience and 200+ tools in my toolchest, it is more difficult to get my attention with new free or low-cost software.  If you can show me a way to help people make more impact by taking action on their ideas without a steep learning curve, you get my attention.

Topics: Presentation Tools Business Software Free Software Graphics. Design

List of 11 Webinar Software Options for Online Web Meetings and Conferences

Here are eleven great webinar software options for your online meetings, conferences and webinars.  The good news:  Several are free to use.  The list of online webinar software is in no particular order.  Of course these tools are perfect for your inbound marketing plan and will no doubt inspire many new guerrilla marketing ideas.  (The list has grown beyond eleven and yes, I saved the best for last in the list below).

Topics: Presentation Tools Software Video Marketing Free Software Inbound Marketing Webinars

List of 19 Presentation Software and Tools (Create, Produce, Present)

To sell a product or service, you need a way to connect.  Having a quality presentation can do the job, but how do you find the software tools to create or produce a presentation?

Looking for software and tools to create or produce a presentation?

Possibly in need of software to do the presentation offline or online?

Where do you start?

Topics: Presentation Tools Business Software Software Marketing Video Marketing Recommended