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12 Websites for Royalty Free Stock Photos for Business Advertising

One of the most common questions I get is:  "Where can I get free photos or royalty free stock photos for business advertising, marketing, etc.?" 

The answer is not so obvious since each business has its own unique need.  What is the quality and/uniqueness of the photograph needed? 

Is free your best option or would you pay $30 for an amazing one-of-a-kind photograph? 

With this balance in mind and to help entrepreneurs save time, here is my list of royalty free stock photos for business advertising websites. 

This list has grown far beyond 12 as many have introduced themselves to share their awesome photos and resources, many of which are free!

It includes free, low cost and even premium options.  

Here is the list:

(Watch for "Free Photos")

Topics: Free Photos Photos for Business Free Graphics

How to Use Google Fonts

Using Google Fonts is simple enough once you get the hang of it.  The new font options by Google certainly makes things much easier and removes another barrier for those who avoid "coding". (Though you will have to copy and paste a a couple lines of code.)

Here is a video from profgustin on Youtube which shows the basics of using Google Fonts for your website:

Topics: SEO Graphics Website Design

How to Maximize with Visual Content Marketing

It's obvious that visuals are a necessary part of a success formula for marketing online.  With so many options to "add an image" or "post a video", images stand out dramatically vs. bad graphics (or no graphics).  

Topics: Online Marketing Video Marketing Graphics

Getting Awesome Design Work Done on a Very Tight Budget

Outsourcing design jobs can be difficult. You want to get as much bang for your buck without sacrificing the quality of the work. Design jobs can also be very subjective. You'll want to work with a person who understands your vision for the design and can translate that to something that works for you. To achieve this, you'll need to find a talented designer who'll fit your style of work and who'll communicate with you as often as you need it.

Topics: Team Building Hiring Guerrilla Marketing Graphics Outsourcing Webdesign

List of Infographic Software for Awesome Content and Link Building

Your inbound marketing plan includes creating infographics which will be helpful, relevant, cool and hopefully will change paradigms to the extent that many will share.  With over 2 million blogs are posted on the Internet each day, creating an awesome infographic can be a very effecitve guerrilla marketing tactic to stand out from the crowd. 

Topics: Software Graphics. Design Graphics