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How to Embed RSS Feed into Website for DIY Entrepreneurs

For the DIY entrepreneur who wants to embed RSS feeds into their website, instructions and resources are listed below.  

What is RSS?

RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it.

Note: Not all of these are simple/easy. I share them with you in case you have someone on your team who has the expertise to get it done.

Topics: Software Internet Marketing Inbound Marketing Webdesign

Learn if Your Website is Mobile-Friendly with a Google Test in 30 Seconds

There is a big buzz going on related to "mobile-friendly". Since Google announced "mobile friendly" will become one of the criteria for ranking, many website designers and software sales people are overly excited with a new reason to sell small businesses and entrepreneurs the next website.

Google have announced their campaign to get website owners and webmasters ready to update their websites for changes in mobile friendly ranking factors, with a deadline set by the firm of the 21st April 2015.

As of this date Google has advised they will be expanding their use of “mobile-friendliness” as a ranking signal, and that it will affect all mobile searches worldwide. There is expected to be a significant impact in Google’s search results so we are advising below what website owners can do to ensure they are ready in plenty of time.  

Topics: SEO Inbound Marketing Google Mobile Marketing Webdesign

Statistics to Show Why Website Design is so Important [infographic]

Website design has become more important and it has also become much more complicated. In the 1990s, an innovative business owner could figure out how to make a basic website and customers would be happy.  It was simpler then.

A lot has changed. The idea that a business owner can run a company and manage an effective website at the same time is unrealistic.  This is also why so many companies have turned to professionals to help them meet their performance goals with growing business with the Internet.

Topics: Inbound Marketing Webdesign Landing Pages

Getting Awesome Design Work Done on a Very Tight Budget

Outsourcing design jobs can be difficult. You want to get as much bang for your buck without sacrificing the quality of the work. Design jobs can also be very subjective. You'll want to work with a person who understands your vision for the design and can translate that to something that works for you. To achieve this, you'll need to find a talented designer who'll fit your style of work and who'll communicate with you as often as you need it.

Topics: Team Building Hiring Guerrilla Marketing Graphics Outsourcing Webdesign

How to Improve Marketing with Colors - Infographic

Study this infographic about how consumers respond to colors.  Understanding how people are influenced by colors may influence your next marketing campaign. 

There is a theory that genius companies have already done million dollar studies, just borrrow colors from them. Use the infographic about colors to double-check your decisions.

Topics: Marketing Graphics. Design Webdesign