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This is how you use LinkedIn - Example by Larry LaMotte

Some people regularly "blow me away." Since I meet so many, it is difficult to list them here. Today Larry LaMotte (CEO/Founder of Recapturit) once again takes action and stands out as exceptional. By his actions, he models how to use social media in such a way that is beyond marketing.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Linkedin

Linkedin Pulse & Why it Matters

LinkedIn turned into a content site with anyone having the option to write an article on Pulse. When they added Pulse, only influencers were invited. Now anyone can post an article. You can access LinkedIn Pulse here:

Topics: Social Media Marketing Inbound Marketing Linkedin

Linkedin Infographic Reveals the Truth of Who Uses it and How

As of today, two people are joining Linkedin in every second.  Who are they?   Are you one?  Is it something to set up and forget about or a dynamic marketing tool?  Can a relationship really be supported on Linkedin? 

The infographic shows how most people on Linkedin have between 500 to 999 connections in their "network", use only the free account option and let their 1st level connection see their entire 1st level network. The most helpful feature is "who viewed my profile" followed by the automated suggestion tool: "people you may know".

Take notes from this infographic to better understand who you are connecting with and what they find most valuable:

Topics: Social Media Marketing Linkedin

The Easy Linkedin Marketing "Cheat" Tactic for Email Marketing

Linkedin is not just a marketing tool used for jobs, creating authority, making connections, collaboration and recruiting.  Linkedin is also a way to create an "Oprah Effect".  In other words, you can offer value each day which over time makes people comfortable with you.  Your consistency in offering value each day determines your reputation.  Are you pushy?  Or you a con?  Is it all about you or do you have a mission of offering value?

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Social Media Marketing Linkedin