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The Easy Linkedin Marketing "Cheat" Tactic for Email Marketing

Linkedin is not just a marketing tool used for jobs, creating authority, making connections, collaboration and recruiting.  Linkedin is also a way to create an "Oprah Effect".  In other words, you can offer value each day which over time makes people comfortable with you.  Your consistency in offering value each day determines your reputation.  Are you pushy?  Or you a con?  Is it all about you or do you have a mission of offering value?

If the latter is true and you have accepted my mantra of "Don't just sell.  First make their day!", you might consider this special LinkedIn marketing tactic. As you read on, you may think "cheater" or you might even say it is manipulation.

I would respond that it is about your vision, intent and purpose.  Our mothers used manipulation to make sure we stayed healthy and safe. (Look at us now)  If you have good character and your business is about conquering the world and changing the community in a positive way, then consider the following:

The Linkedin marketing steps to get you more visibility:

  1. Be sure to have your top 10 trusted friends you can count on.
  2. Start a discussion in a Linkedin group you are a member of.
  3. The group hopefully has a need and interest in your particular area of expertise.
  4. Each day one or two from your inner circle (Top Ten friends) "like" or comment publicly in your discussion.  
  5. As the discussion maintains activity, it remains in the "active discussions".  If you are a group member in Linkedin, you already know that daily and emails are sent showing "still active discussions" at the top.
  6. linkedinmarketingcheat
  7. Your discussion could be:  "The 5 best ways to lower costs for ________"   Then open it up to others who offer their opinion of software, tools, hardware, systems, vendors, etc.
  8. Each day, one of your Top Ten Friends comments on the discussion.  
  9. Each day and/or week, the still active discussion is highlighted toward the top of the email sent via LinkedIn automatically.  (Linkedin does the work, you provide the valuable content.)
This is an "automatic" email marketing system to gain authority, reputation and improve visibility.  The tool is FREE and you do not have to manage an email newsletter or email software.

Over time, your titles and name remain highlighted.  If you have truly helpful content that is relevant to the group members, it won't be long before your discussions become appreciated and anticipated.

Yes, there are many other discussions on the automated Linkedin email and certainly there is a possiblity of getting "lost" in a very large group.  Consistency and helpful titles can set you apart.

This is especially helpful to those who know little about online marketing, have a tight schedule, and on a thin budget and still have the goal of improving visibility in the world of new media. (Where people connect in many ways online)

Sooner or later, you may not be as popular as Johnny Carson or Oprah but when people feel very comfortable with you and understand your true character, they don't worry about a sales pitch and consider you a trusted advisor and resource.

Since for many "character" is a bigger issue than the product or service offering, proving you are everything you appear to be is a priority.  In the old days, it was difficult to connect, share and give a quick helping hand.  Now we have the Internet and social media tools online to do so in minutes.

You call it "social media marketing" or "Linkedin marketing". 

I call it: "First, making people's day, making introductions and invitations along the way."

Next Linkedin steps:

  1. Which groups will you join where you can be the most helpful?
  2. What discussions will you start that will truly be viewed as valuable?
  3. Who are the Top Ten most trusted people in your circle who can/will follow your lead with the same philosophy?

To understand more about how to maximize the benefits of social media tools in your business read my ebook :  "The Reality of ROI and Social Media Marketing"


Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Social Media Marketing Linkedin