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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Linkedin Pulse & Why it Matters

LinkedIn turned into a content site with anyone having the option to write an article on Pulse. When they added Pulse, only influencers were invited. Now anyone can post an article. You can access LinkedIn Pulse here:

linkedin pulse 1

If you click the Pulse button and begin to read one of the posts, you will see a big yellow button in the upper right corner that says

linkedin pulse 2.jpg 

Click big yellow button above any of the Pulse articles and begin to write.

What I like:

  • You can add images, video, text links, CTA (use HubSpot’s tracking) etc.
  • Once the article is posted, your network will receive a Linkedin Pulse email which includes yours in the list. 
  • Which article gets highlighted at the top of Pulse and in the automated emails?  You could say it is based on random acts of celebrity.
  • Once you have posted an article, the latest articles are shown automatically in the top of your Linkedin profile.  Excellent!
  • For those in groups who are sensitive about blogs as “marketing”, the articles on Linkedin Pulse eases their anxiety. 
  • You can add links and images in each article.

Linkedin Pulse articles have pretty good Google mojo. In fact, if you decide to repurpose past blog content onto Pulse… Pulse may outrank your own site.   

If you repurpose your content, I would use a rel=canonical instruction on Pulse relating to the original post. 

LinkedIn Pulse is a keeper. You will find it easy to use and they have a good system to help share your wisdom.

But… it is also very shiny for those who see 50 views on Pulse vs 7 on their own blog as a big accomplishment. Those who like to be the center of attention and talk, talk, talk... will find the platform a way to do more. This lowers value of Pulse as it gets junky.

LinkedIn is now a place for you to make more impact. …but needs careful thought. Who is best served?  How will you share it?

The good news is that your virtual assistant can schedule reposts of your past articles and add rel=canonical to each without you doing more than making a list and a calendar. 

Are you ready to post your first article on LinkedIn Pulse?  

Topics: Social Media Marketing Inbound Marketing Linkedin