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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Kate Pierce

Kate Pierce

Kate Pierce is the owner of LionShark Digital Marketing LLC, a West Michigan digital marketing company. Before starting her own venture, she cut her teeth in marketing at the world’s largest ecommerce provider, giving her valuable insight into ecommerce topics and trends. Her areas of expertise include web copywriting, search engine optimization, and business blogging. She lives in the Grand Rapids area with her husband and two incredibly cute children.

Recent Posts by Kate Pierce:

Why I Almost Left My Job as a Senior Content Marketer to Work for Minimum Wage at McDonald’s

For the last 15 years I have worked as a content creator and copywriter, first for (what was then) the world’s leading ecommerce software provider and later for myself as a business owner. And today, I considered walking away from that to work for minimum wage at McDonald’s. Let me explain what happened...

Topics: Hiring Leadership Culture Change

Taking a Daniel Tiger Perspective on The Current State of Work

Any parent with young kids knows Daniel Tiger is the ultimate authority on every lesson you need in life. The PBS successor to Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood features a young tiger (unsurprisingly named Daniel) and his family. He confronts life’s difficult challenges with emotional maturity, self-awareness, and singing.


But, unlike most children’s TV, you won’t end up hating it. In fact, you’ll end up loving it because the songs are so catchy and soothing that you can draw on Daniel Tiger’s extensive catalog of compositions to guide your child through basically any daily struggle.

Topics: Networking Business Success Leadership Productivity Human Nature

How to Overcome Division & Workplace Conflict

Recent events have reminded us how divisive unresolved conflict of any kind can be. Regardless of the scale of the conflict, whether it is a board room or a city street, all division is rooted in the same human need for compassion, acceptance, understanding, and respect. Without this we cannot feel seen, heard, and appreciated, which are essential emotional needs that are fundamental for our existence.

Simply put, we all need to know that we have value.

While unresolved conflict between teams at an organization is in no way on par with institutionalized racism or any other wide-scale marginalization or multi-generational repression, it stirs the same basic human responses of fear, distrust, anger, and helplessness. Of course, this fear may be over losing your job instead of your life, but it is a form of fear nonetheless and fear tears people and entities apart.

Workplace conflict is no exception.

Topics: Leadership Guest Writer Conflict Resolution

9 Fundamentals for Increasing Ecommerce Conversion Rates

Average ecommerce conversion rates are only 2 to 3% across all sectors and devices, which means the vast majority of shoppers are leaving without making a purchase. Each of these empty-handed departures provides an opportunity for savvy marketers and business owners to substantially increase revenue.

For instance, for a business with 10,000 daily visitors and an average conversion rate of 2.5%, increasing conversions 0.5 points to 3.0% would generate an extra 50 orders a day. With an assumed average order value (AOV) of $100 those additional orders result in $5K of added daily revenue, or more than $1.8M annually.

A marginal increase from 2.5% to 3.0% may not seem worthwhile to pursue, but the aggregate effect over the course of a year can be astonishing. While larger companies benefit most from increases in conversion rates due to scale, businesses of all sizes can profit from incrementally improving conversion rates over time.

Regardless of how much traffic your site receives or what your AOV is, these elements are fundamental to increasing ecommerce conversion rates:

Topics: Conversion Ecommerce