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Playground Lessons Not to Follow in Business Negotiations

We were all taught basic playground etiquette growing up. These life-lessons aimed to keep us out of trouble and provided us with some basic rules about respect and how to resolve conflict.

However, when it comes to achieving business success, playground lessons don’t always apply. Negotiation skills, such as those taught in the best negotiation skills training, must now replace the old playground tactics. While you can still maintain friends in business, as you could at school, it is smart to prioritize the best negotiation strategy while considering consequences and foreseeing outcomes.

Here are five playground lessons that do not apply when negotiating -- and the new counter-lessons you can use to ensure negotiation success.

Topics: Sales Business Culture Negotiation

How to Negotiate a Better Deal

Learning how negotiate with video, business success tips and the only guide to negotiating you will ever need.  Conflict resolution and negotiating a better deal can be handled with shear force of will, being honest and hoping for the best.  True?

Not true.  Negotiation from a position of strength instead of as a victim increases the chance of closing a deal, getting a better rate, a lower price or bonus items.  You might even get your car washed or lawn mowed.  There are quick negotations which happen each day as the entrepreneur needs something NOW but gets resistance from the vendor.

Negotiating for a small business loan with a bank can seem daunting.  Hiring a small business loan broker who can help with the process is usually the best decision or you learn how to negotiate and take it on yourself.

Topics: Selling Business Success Tips Personal Development Conflict Resolution Negotiation