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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

A Five Star Lunch as Your Secret to Success

A “Five Star Lunch” is one method to gain an advantage with growing a successful business without deep pockets.  A “Five Start Lunch” is an opportunity to have top advisors sit at your table who will provide you with answers to questions you have not yet thought to ask.  A “Five Start Lunch” provides the resources by which any entrepreneur who desires success can be inspired, motivated and educated.

Topics: Trusted Advisor Business Success Tips Referral Marketing

Get Referrals by Following the Law of Contribution

As to the challenge of the referral theory, I tend to listen to my own drummer. There are so many resources about marketing “advice” and I often wonder if it isn't best to keep thoughts under my hat.  Everyone has a theory and certainly there are books and workshops which can challenge paradigms. 

For 30 years my thought about referrals has been:  “Don’t worry about it”

Referrals are a symptom.  I believe if you are committed, have amazing service, and over the top with your delivery... you get referrals.  

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Inspiration Referral Marketing