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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Keyword Ranking Tools

The keyword ranking tools listed below will save you a long search through the Internet. If you are a professional, you probably already have the tools. 

If you are a DIY entrepreneur, you search for great software or services to stay up to date with the latest website ranking strategies and tools. 

Beyond keyword ranking tools are resources for blogger outreach programs. I have included NinjaOutreach as a resource to consider it an option in your marketing plan.

Topics: Business Software SEO Keywords Inbound Marketing

Why You Should Have Keywords in Your Domain Name or url

While the search engines are less likely to give you a boost in ranking because keywords are included in the domain name or url, you should continue to do so.

In the few seconds it takes for visitors recognize a website as relevant and helpful, details matter.

By creating domain names or urls which which are very specific to the product or service, you provide another way for the visitor know instantly if they are in the right place.

Topics: SEO Keywords Inbound Marketing

Step by Step Link Building Instructions to Remove the Mystery of Ranking in Google

Most Internet marketing experts agree that getting ranked on Google is:  Link building.  What remains a mystery and a matter of opinion is where, when, how many, what is quality and what really matters.

Since the goal (which is repeated over and over again by Google) is to give people exactly what they are looking for, we will prioritize service to people as when creating a link building campaign.

If you don’t have the budget to hire an expert SEO company or link building service company, you will find the following instructions very helpful.

Topics: Link Building SEO Keywords Inbound Marketing