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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

What Happens When Nonprofits and Businesses Join Forces?

You may initially think of nonprofits and businesses on opposite sides of a spectrum. However, the two entities can also mutually benefit each other.

Here's a look at how that can happen.

Topics: Collaboration Success Stories Non-Profit

Assessments to Improve Teamwork & Avoid Gobbledygook

The term “teamwork” is overused and can easily become gobbledygook. Memberships, businesses, schools, and your business all say “Having teamwork helps to create success”. 

There is no disagreement that teamwork offers an advantage.  Even those who appear to be independent have a team of supporters, trainers, cheerleaders, service providers and generous skeptics. When it comes to talking about teamwork, you will hear “Yes!”

Talking about the concept is certainly a positive step. Singing songs, playing games, and keeping an open door for communication are all good but without a bigger commitment, is mostly fluff.

Entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and intrapreneurs may be worse at teamwork and developing a team than others because of the independent thought, impossible missions and impatience to accomplish the mission.  “Good enough today is not good enough tomorrow” is at the top of their mind create success.  A team can easily get confused, disheartened, fail and feel left out as yesterday we were going to do “this”, now we are going to do “that”.  These leaders also expect others to have the same passion and commitment and soon regress to "I will just do it myself." 

Topics: Collaboration HR Teamwork Assessment