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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

What Happens When Nonprofits and Businesses Join Forces?

You may initially think of nonprofits and businesses on opposite sides of a spectrum. However, the two entities can also mutually benefit each other.

Here's a look at how that can happen.

Topics: Collaboration Success Stories Non-Profit

Celebrate With These Small Business Owners Graduating from SBA Emerging Leaders Program

Small business owners begin the journey with hope and determination as they overcome fears and persist regardless of barriers. Fortunately, there are support programs to ensure success. 

Fifteen small business owners across the state of Washington graduated from the SBA Emerging Leaders program, a seven-month executive education program for local business on the brink of growth.  

“Small business owners often know where they want to take their business, but struggle with how to get there. The Emerging Leaders initiative provides the tools and expert guidance to spark sustainable growth,” said SBA Seattle District Director Nancy Porzio.

According to Seattle Emerging Leaders Instructor Mary Marshall, “every $200 the SBA invests in the Emerging Leaders program creates a new job in the local economy.”

As you read the names and businesses of the graduates, remember how recognition, celebration, and congratulations are as easy as:

  1. Picking up the phone.
  2. Sharing a blog.
  3. Pointing others to their business via social media or email.
  4. Making a comment on their social media accounts.
  5. Sending a personal "Way to go!" card in the mail. (Yes. The mail) 

Or if you are local, you may decide to visit in person on the way to your next destination.

The SBA has done the work and made the announcement. I have added website links for you to click below. It takes less than five minutes to make an introduction and make their day. 

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Business Success Business Success Stories SBA Success Stories

Turn Someone Into a Super-Hero

You have powers you have not yet fully realized. Within your grasp are talented people, tools and opportunities to make an impact in a bigger way. As you watch this video, consider what a talented team of artists & entrepreneurs can do to help you go bigger:

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Success Stories Awards

I Died at 55

Oddly enough it was not the personal catastrophes, pain or losses that pushed me to the point of death.  It was instead, the people who believed, who believed in me more than I.

The biggest changes came from two things:  

  1. Introductions  - A friend or associate had just enough appreciation to introduce me to another who would change my life.


  2. Invitations - They would make an invitation and ask me to attend an event, a club, a meeting, a dinner, etc.

With each introduction and invitation, I have connected with people who leave me humbled and appreciative.  It was not the clever wit that helped to improve connections. Instead, they acknowledged and treasured commitment, compassion, loyalty and action. 

Where can you find such people who have a truly selfless commitment, loyalty and the willingness to take action?

Topics: Paradigm Success Inspiration Story Success Stories

Founder of Yotpo Shares Best and Worst Experiences during a Startup

The Best and Worst Experiences
During the Startup of Yotpo

Topics: Business Software Business Technology Startup Success Stories