Even with the amount of time you spend working your restaurant, you have noticed that the smart phone has become convenience tool of choice. With access to the Interent via the smartphone at super-speed with LTE, even the smaller screen and thumb management does not keep the smartphone (or iphone) from being the favorite entertainment and connection tool for people on the move.
It seems like “everyone owns a smart phone”, though in reality only a little over half the population owns one.

Source: Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project April 26-May 22,2011, January 20-February 19, 2012, and April 17-May 19, 2013, tracking surveys. For 2013 data, n=2,252 adults and survey includes 1,127 cell phone interviews. All surveys include Spanish-language interviews. / PEW RESEARCH CENTER
As people are constantly “on the move”, the smart phone becomes the tool of choice vs. a sit down computer. The simple tasks that people are able to do on a smartphone while on the go:
As an overview, here is a slideshow via slideshare which gives more facts and figures: How to Get Started in Mobile Marketing
How to Get Started in Mobile Marketing from HubSpot All-in-one Marketing Software
The reality is that you may not need a mobile website. With the rise of HTML5, the functionality and feel of mobile websites is nearly that of Apps. Stay cautious when signing an agreement that may be an unnecessary expense.
While those selling mobile marketing services will say: “do mobile marketing now”, we know better than to jump onto the rushing train without looking more in depth at the current marketing plan, the team, the marketplace and culture of your community.
The flip side which reminds you to have a sense of urgency is that those “couch potatoes” will be turning into “head bobbers” as they watch TV on their mobile device as they walk, run, hike and traverse life while in motion. The next step in technology and habits may be the biggest yet as people move to the PC tablet, smart phone or ipad. To watch the sports, news, music or movie as a snack between classes or during lunch will keep people looking down instead of into the eyes of others. Information hoarders will stay happy and the addictions to games or TV are fed freely without obstacles. The new rules and company policies will expand to “no TV allowed while working” as the telephone is no longer limited to conversation. “Closet Mobile Users” will become common and “bathroom visits” will be a fib since the primary purpose will be to catch more entertainment on the mobile device.
An example is at www.slingbox.com where you can watch your TV anywhere. Get off the couch, start moving and take the TV with you.
If the biggest entertainment device becomes one which is personalized and fits into the pocket, it makes sense to understand how to reach out to people via that same device.
Those on the go will rely heavily on the mobile device as a means to communicate, stay connected, share and be entertained with games and movies. If you have not already done so, it is time to add mobile marketing to the list for discussion.
It is only a matter of time that you will offer the option to view your menu via smartphone or PC Tablet. (or iPad) Think of how awesome the menu can become when it goes virtual!
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