The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Everyone Should Hire 'Social Media Experts'

The over abundance of media hype and talk about social media has many turning their heads away with the hope to avoid "more marketing".  On the other hand, partnerships and friendships are formed around the world daily over great distances due to the power of social media.  While Peter Shankman says he will never, ever hire a social media expert, there is another point of view.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Deep Thoughts

4 Ways to Green Your Business

Change is never easy, but greening your business may be one wave easier to ride than being caught in its undertow.  Already many companies are coming under fire for being inconsiderate of the environment.  Others, like General Mills, Unilever, and even the Philadelphia Eagles are realizing that making one’s office or online business energy-efficient is about the most cost-effective thing they’ve done for the company.  As you can read in this article, countless companies are finding innovative ways to save money and the environment, but here are five easy ways to green your business to get you started.

Topics: Domain Names Business Success Tips