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AeroLeads - Painless Prospecting by Pulling People's Information with a Click

What does it take to investigate, search, dig and 'spy' for new information  about a prospect? AeroLeads has an answer that looks promising.

Search and Add prospects and leads at AeroLeads to get their Verified Email addresses and Business Phone Number. Find business emails of decision makers with title, location and company emails with phone numbers, address etc.


How AeroLeads Software Works

  1. Sign up to AeroLeads and install their free chrome plugin.
  2. Go to LinkedIn, Crunchbase, AngelList etc and do your search for people.
  3. Add the relevant leads and prospects to AeroLeads using our widget.
  4. AeroLeads will find their business emails along with company name, company url, job title, location etc.

This takes a only few minutes to do. Before you get too eager, be sure to confirm your email address once you sign up.

The free version gives you 10 credits to test the system and get more familiar. AeroLeads is pretty intuitive and you will be able to move fairly quickly.

Knowing the value of contact information, I do not expect a tool like this to be free. The pricing is very reasonable and the 'cancel anytime' option shows flexibility.

Setting up AeroLeads as a Chrome extension is a bit of genius and allows someone to search, review and add prospects.

As a big HubSpot advocate, user (and partner), I appreciate that AeroLeads offers the option to export data to HubSpot. 

Regardless of whether you choose to test AeroLeads, you can use their email verification email system here:


The risk

As with all software (especially software that integrates with other tools), the issues about privacy continue and what happens when companies such as LinkedIn, AngiesList or CrunchBase redesigns their software to make it more difficult for a tool such as AeroLeads to work? Fortunately, the risk for a user is low.


Software is not magic and not expected to give 100% accuracy. Consider that before the month started, there was zero. I consider it similar to making a salad... what is the 'yield'?  If we focus on the part of the lettuce is unusable to decide whether to make a salad, there would be days we would only eat apples. People move, quit, change contact information, give fake information online and keeping their information up to date is not a priority. 

"They" say

It has been said 'don't buy email lists' and there are many reasons not to do so. HubSpot offers a list of reasons:


Which are all good points. In this case, you are not 'buying an email list', you are searching/prospecting and discovering 'gold'. 

The danger

The primary danger is human in nature. Without thought, someone can view, click add a prospect and keep moving fast. This can lead to massive contact lists with little or no context understanding. 

The option

AeroLeads offers to do the work can create the list for you. Given a list of parameters and goals, they offer to create the list and since you can see the method they use to collect and build the list, you might have more confidence vs the 'email list' you bought last year that gave your company a bad email reputation score.


The people you have contact information  for are complete strangers. They would prefer NOT to hear from you. If it is your intention to reach out and contact them, "Don't just sell. First, make their day!"  You only have one first contact... make it matter. 


For your business, you will want to register just for the example of how they have set up a step-by-step process to introduce themselves and give tips along the way. Once you register, Pushkar Gaikwad, the Founder/CEO, will send you his personal contact information. It can't get better than that. 

Topics: Business Software List Building Email Marketing