You may celebrate Christmas or you may celebrate for many other reasons in December. Saying "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" is your choice and as it comes from the heart, you make someone's day.
Christmas (Holiday) cards in the snail mail can be a delight. They can be artistic, thoughtful, relevant, and include photos to show 'the latest' status. I love those pop-ups cards! It takes time to lick a stamp, an envelope and manage to get them in the mail. In our new world of digital, a Christmas card in the mail is more valuable than ever. (Not everyone agrees though, as you will read here.)
Then email became the mechanism of choice. Anyone can send out an image with a few words to millions of people, in an instant, at a very low cost. And so companies small and large do just that. The Christmas (Holiday) card email is a task and the staff checks it off as done.
Some will pay to use a tool like eCards2go but it takes more work and more cash. has been around since 2000 and brings some unique creativity to holiday (Christmas) cards but again, it is difficult to click one button to send to many.
Fortunately, stock photo websites have a plethora of Christmas (Holiday) images. You can get generic greeting images or an unusual photo to bring a smile.
To help consider the how and why of Christmas holiday emails, here are a few notes and resources.
Notes to self:
- Email cards are not the same as real cards in the mail. (no one prints the holiday email to hang from a tree)
- Everyone has their own world view about whether pretty is most important to express... Or the words and message is most important. (Pretty picture or pretty prose?)
A face with a decorative background and a message that expresses character (belief, commitment, sincerity) is personal and professional.
- Don't forget half the email views are on mobile. Make it readable in mobile.
- This is one of those times of year that people dress up, do fun things and act out of character.
- Someone once said: “It matters more than you know, others are watching and imitating your style and words, Make it matter” 😎 What will a client or follower be inspired to imitate? (or friend, associate, employee, student?)
- I learned this the hard way. It turns out that everyone is a leader to someone and people are investing time and effort to imitate --- yes even an email Christmas card (aka holiday card).
For your inspiration, here are some of my favorite Christmas quotes:
My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others.” - Bob Hope
Christmas is a day of meaning and traditions, a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends.” - Margaret Thatcher
Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand.” - Dr. Seuss
Other Options for Holiday (Christmas) Wishes in an email?
I am not a fan of cookie cutter but sometimes if we start there, we can add just a little to make it matter. These are not unique or original. You can find more on Google. But they can be a starting place where you might add a little of you:
“To a joyful present and a well-remembered past. Best wishes for Happy Holidays and a magnificent New Year.”
“Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year. May peace, love, and prosperity follow you always.”
“Whatever is beautiful. Whatever is meaningful. Whatever brings you happiness. May it be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year.”
“May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wishing you lots of love, joy, and happiness. Happy Holidays!”
Me: “I want a magical Unicorn for Christmas”
Santa: “Be realistic”
Me: “Okay. I want 5 minutes to myself each day to drink my coffee hot and pee in peace.”
Santa: “What color Unicorn would you like?”
“A snowflake is one of the most fragile creations in the world, but look what they can do when they stick together!” - Thank you for your support this year and helping us to find new perspectives when things were difficult. Wishing you a very happy holidays and best wishes for a wonderful 2019.
A nice Christmas (Holiday) card in the mail will be around for a month or two, spreading good wishes. Corporations spend way too much money on plain generic emails which don’t matter – to people who don’t care. Software can already schedule the next five years of holiday emails to be delivered automatically with no humans needed.
Boss: "Hey, while you are sending the holiday email for this year, go ahead and schedule something for the next few years. We won't have to worry about it later."
Soon there will be robots and artificial intelligence doing the work of automated Christmas (Holiday) emails with no human intervention. (Yes, automation and tools lighten the load and keep us moving but does not replace the heart and soul of you.)
Because you have come this far, I have to believe you want to do something more. Let me know how I can help.
Add a Santa hat graphic to your photo or just take a photo with a Santa hat.