The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Steve Jobs With the Ultimate Advice to Entrepreneurs [video]


If you had the opportunity to ask Steve Jobs one question, what would it have been?  This is a video where Steve Jobs gave advice to entreprenuers with a great excerpt from the D5 conference with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.  Steve Jobs shares his advice or "secret" to creating successful companies.  Before you watch the video, can you guess what the advice might be?  Are you thinking that he will say:  Go to school, work hard, have more friends?  Watch and listen to Steve Jobs' advice about how to achieve success:

In order to have passion and drive you will reflect more on the list of strengths and talents you have.  What is it that you do regardless of how much the monetary pay-off will be?  Is the opportunity to work side by side with aweome people worth anything?  

If you are pursuing a business venture where you have calculated the potential financial rewards but there is nothing more to gain, will you heed the advice of Steve Jobs?  

Are you told you are "crazy" for pursuing your vision?  What keeps you going?  30 days before you get to the point where you have come to "the end" and can go no longer, contact me.  You may be just one degree away from boiling water.  That would be a terrible time to quit.

Topics: Steve Jobs Deep Thoughts Entrepreneurship