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Live TV on Top - Search Beats Email

A quick glance at the latest data from may help you think more quickly your marketing budget.  Live TV viewing remains the first choice vs. DVD, Internet, smartphone or streaming via TV.  Along side this data you will note how search remains the method for traffic on top of email and social trails behind.

Live TV Viewing Holds Its Ground Among Likely Voters


70% of likely voters claimed in June to have watched live TV in the previous week, per results a survey by SAY Media, conducted in partnership with Targeted Victory, Public Opinion Strategies, Chong & Koster and SEA Polling. That figure is up from 29% in May 2011, when likely voters were asked the same question. 

Search Traffic Beats Email, Social in Average Order Value


The average order value (AOV) of website traffic from search in Q2 2012 was $90.40, almost 10% higher than traffic from email ($82.72), and more than 40% higher than traffic from social networks ($64.19), according to an August report from Monetate, which looked at a random sample of more than 100 million online shopping experiences, using same-store data from the previous quarter. 

It is interesting that in the age of Netflix and online movies that Live TV remains the top choice.  The chart about search traffic is a reminder to have a three pronged approach with your online marketing.  Search, email and social are all connected and a part of inbound marketing.

Topics: Statistics Internet Marketing Email Marketing