The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

I Want to be a Fireman


Recently I met a man named Chris.

He had spent many years in school to become an Emergency Medical Technician.  It was on his dime … and his time.

After his EMT certifcation, he began to volunteer about 15 to 20 hours a every week at a local fire station.

To make ends meet he has worked full time in construction. (Full time in construction for the last few years has been touch and go.)

His goal:  I want to be a Fireman.

Chris had already spent 18 months volunteering for the local fire department.
(For No Pay)

How many more months or years of volunterring it will take before he become a fireman remains a mystery.

His knowledge was very impressive and I am very happy to have him in my corner should an emergency arise.

Chris is passionate about serving and hoping his diligence will bring him the long term benefits that come from being a fireman.

He is well aware of the long commitment and the risk to his life and remains diligent.

Who in their right mind would invest so much time and money into school and then volunteer.. with no guarantee of success (While risking their life along the way?)

Only the very rare individual looks long term and looks to the future with a bigger picture in mind.

Today you will perform a service, learn new software, invest time in training another or "Make Their Day" by doing a presentation

As you do so, you are looking for instantaneous results and listening for the jingle in the cash register OR you understand the process of building for the long term just as Chris is doing.

Which are you focused on?  Instantaneous results or building business for the long term with a solid foundation?

Quote of the day:
"The longer you want the sled ride to be, the higher you have to climb."  

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