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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature



Shorter might mean: 

  • "I'm busy, you have 60 seconds."
  • "Less is more."
  • "I already have my opinion, keep it short."
  • "Tweet your thought in 140 characters."
  • "Text is better because I don't have to listen to your long rant."
  • "It is easier to do less."
  • "You had me at: Hello."
  • "The title and headline is where it counts."
  • "Less costs means more profits."
  • "I just want to know the bottom line."
  • "How much, by when and when is there a return?"
  • "KISS = Keep it short stupid."
  • "Cut to the chase."
  • "A little dab will do ya."
  • "Zero down"  (and pay for 50 years).
  • "Would you like to present an idea in a meeting?  You have two minutes."

There is no doubt the emphasis is on speed.  Even a vacationer will drive to as many points of interest in a day as possible and keep each stop to an average of two minutes.  At the end of the day it can be said:  "I was there."  Does it still count if under 5 minutes?

If this is how relationships are formed and listening is done then how will true understanding be had?

As an entrepreneur, there is a rush to "get it done".  "Now" is always the best time.  TNT = Today Not Tomorrow.  The drive to keep it short might be a disadvantage to building teams and developing a system for success. 

Business success is not based on using leadership for making it "shorter".  Instead why not:  More listening, more planning, more practice, more rewards and more quality? 

If you are on the giving end, you may want to keep it shorter as so many expect less.  If you are on the receiving end, reverse course and don't be like so many who skim through the day 2 minutes at a time.

Just think about how unhappy people might get when it takes longer than 60 seconds for a hamburger while those same people are willing to stand in line for 5+ minutes at Starbucks for "the best" cup of coffee. (And be more than satisfied even after the longer wait.)

Less is not necessarily more.  Shorter may do more harm than good.

Topics: Leadership Entrepreneur