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Christian Carere

Christian Carere has contributed to a number of reputable sites and is the owner of Digital Ducats Inc. Christian specializes in traffic generation and works with businesses to improve the quality of leads produced on a regular basis.

Recent Posts by Christian Carere:

7 Strategies to Sustain Growth in A Volatile Search Environment

  • Google has made it clear that it is keeping more traffic on Google owned properties through an increase in SERP features.
  • The result has been a decline in the available traffic to the organic results.
  • This has forced businesses and site owners to refocus marketing efforts on alternate sources of traffic, increase conversion from current traffic and branding as a way to improve search visibility.

 The competition for keyword rankings are increasing daily and it is becoming more important to protect the traffic you currently generate in order to sustain growth.  

 For the first time ever the total amount of zero-click searches have become the majority result in the total queries made on Google’s search engine.

 This landmark event should be cause for concern as the trend may continue past the 51% of searches that are now click-less. This has resulted from the emergence of Google SERP features that are more frequently being displayed in a search result.

Topics: SEO Branding Google