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Fundamentals of Banner Ads

Banner ads are so attractive and appear to sizzle on the website screen. When viewing e-magazines or websites monetized from ad clicks,  the banner ads may be more appealing than the content.

You think to yourself:  "Those banner ads sure look juicy.  They look so good that I want one." You search through the Internet looking for ways to get paid with banner ad placement on your website.  How about a few tips?

Wikipedia breaks down a web banner as: 

A web banner or banner ad is a form of advertising on the World Wide Web delivered by an ad server. This form of online advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page. It is intended to attract traffic to a website by linking to the website of the advertiser.


Examples of banner ad companies:


A more complete list of banner ad companies is here.

Go can even bigger with your search. offers a large database of advertisers. You can research advertising companies across the "largest vendor database on earth. Thalamus is the preeminent destination for brands and agencies to source, evaluate, and connect with potential digital and mobile advertising vendors in the world."

Before you make a decision to include banner ads on your website, understand the numbers, the psychology around website pages and the reputation of banner ads.  

If you are buying banner advertising to promote your business and website, have a brainstorming session with your team for innovative ideas to overcome the negative view people have.  Find a solution they will trust.

If you are thinking about adding banner advertising to monetize your website, sharpen your saw to better understand inbound marketing and what drives traffic. 

Too many banners, pop-ups, data trackers and spam have a negative impact on results.  Here is a slide show which shares successful banner ads and an outline for why they were effective:

AdAge Digital 2010 6 Foundations of Great Digital Creative from Soap Creative
Topics: Banner Ads Internet Marketing