The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Backwards Tip

signs too many

Stephen Covey has told us for many years in his book "7 Habits for Highly Effective People" to begin with the end in mind.  The concept is not new.  To achieve a goal, focus on the end by clipping out a photo of the "dream" and posting it on the refrigerator.  For business success, using a pro-forma balance sheet creates the target in advance, which keeps a business on target.

What happens when the target turns into many targets and the signs are too abundant?  What happens when the measures of success are decided by every one except you?  What are the consequences to an entrepreneur when every step is blocked or re-routed?

The result can be confusion, distractions, and inefficiencies; for a team, it can cause anarchy and unhappiness.  There are days when putting the car in reverse and going backwards from whence you came seems like the best alternative.

Staying focused on the measures of success which have the highest impact on sales and profits is a daily battle.

Working harder, going faster, writing more, socializing more, and Facebooking more might actually become a dead end.

Social media allows a person to feed their own ego and gives them a sense of control. The downfalls of social media tools are rarely talked about.  In reality, the issue is not with the tools but lies in the basic needs of the human condition.

When we again return to the book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", the needs are described as "Live, Love, Learn and Leave a Legacy".

Social media tools give more opportunity to love and be loved, learn, and potentially leave a legacy.  However, more is needed in regards to products and services which would help people put food on the table and live a better quality life.

"Begin with the end in mind" and "spend exactly the right amount of time in a conversation" were preached long before social media marketing tools were invented.  "Not too much... and not too little, say just enough and listen more."

Stop marketing marketing.  Do marketing, prove its value and teach others how to follow and get the same results.

A wise man once said:  "When it's all said and done, more is said" .  I hope the end you have in mind does not include saying more and doing less.

Topics: Business Success Tips