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Free Educational Resources and Practice Tests at Varsity Learning Tools


You have seen tutor signs similar to the one above and while their entrepreneurial commitment is appreciated, you will move on to another who has more skills.


"Learn" is one of the four "Ls" in "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey. (Live, Love, Learn, Leave a Legacy) When a person stops learning, part of that person dies. Learning is more important than many realize. I highly recommend the book by Mr. Covey.

Free Educational, Training and Testing Resources

Free educational resources are available at Varsity Learning Tools. Over 75,000 professionally have written problems and thousands of distinct practice tests across 150 subjects. This includes subjects like history, math, foreign languages, and science for all experience levels.

This is especially important now for more professionals who compete in the world where the youth appear to be more "up to date". Those of us over 42 years of age know this is NOT true but must still find ways to prove that we are not antique dinosaurs ready for pastures.

Varsity Learning Tools also offers practice tests and problems for common standardized tests like the ACT, SAT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, ISEE, and SSAT.


40 million

To date, students have completed more than 40 million problems on the Varsity Learning Tools platform. Each question is tied to a specific academic concept, which means your students can pinpoint their particular strengths and weaknesses in almost any area.

Free Digital Classroom Assessment Software

The Varsity Learning Tools platform also includes free digital classroom assessment software instructors may find useful:


Varsity Tutors is about more than just free educational resources and practice tests. They offer tutoring services as well. For adults who have jobs and families, this type of service can be priceless.

As a financial professional, Ken shares his thoughts in this video:

If you have any questions about the resource, please don't hesitate to contact Tracy by email at or by phone at 314-712-8175

Why this matters.  

  1. Acquiring skills is not like growing strawberries from the earth when you "Water and wait and enjoy the fruit." Training and development are necessary and practice essential. 

  2. Getting hired now is based on database criteria. Software reviews your resume for the right initials and letters, and you are sandbagged not because of expertise but as a result of no certification. 

  3. As an employer, anyone can shine their resume and their LinkedIn profile to appear qualified. You look for those who have credentials and training to lower risk.

  4. If you own a business, you have a responsibility to develop your team. With limited resources, you rely on reputable companies. 

In essence, we are looking for a method to:

  1. Assess current skills and knowledge.
  2. Focus study time on the essentials. 
  3. Get help when stumped.
  4. Pass the test.
  5. Get certified.

Which is why Varsity Tutors resources is a valuable resource. They have a list of academically accomplished tutors from the likes of Harvard Law School, Columbia Teachers College, UPenn School of Medicine, Princeton, Yale, MIT, Stanford, WashU, Rice, Northwestern and Emory (to name a few.)

Beyond these basics, specialized training for leadership, revenue growth, sales, marketing, and culture can be received from professional consulting firms

Maybe you are more interested in becoming a tutor? Consider the ripples you will make as you empower others. Here is where you can start:


Topics: Education Free Training Skills